Last minute shopping for Christmas and our trip up to Rainbow Beach. Went down to the Kingaroy shopping center. I searched out a Wendy's mango smoothie, excellent my favorite treat in OZ with close second being cinnamon and sugar donuts from the donut King at the mall which I also treated myself to. Found a nice looking rashie to buy for Robyn for Christmas and one for myself since I forgot mine in Moline. Went to the bottle shop and got Robyn some gin to keep her happy through the new year. Crickey is alcohol expensive over here. $40 for 1 bottle of Gordon's Gin. Then again fuel is twice as expensive as well at almost $6 per gallon. I kept checking back with the girls to see how their shopping was going and ducking out to look around the town. I think I saw most of what there is to see in Kingaroy while they were in shopping. That evening we went out for an evening walk to of Christmas lights viewing. That was fun. The weather is a perfect temperature to me though they all think it's a bit cool.
(This is Robyn- In my defense, he Gin was shared and there is still half a bottle as of New Years!) :)
HA!!! Love you two!